Window Signs

No, you are not selling your house, you are simply telling the world that you have something to celebrate! With a massive size of 60 cm x 45 cm on your door or window, you can be sure that everybody sees the happy occasion! These window signs are the perfect addition to our decoration signs and other party decorations.

Window signs with 'for sale' sign look

The window signs look very much like a 'for sale' sign that you will regularly see attached to facades when a house is for sale. This is precisely what makes them stand out as party decoration! If there is something to celebrate, you will really attract attention with these window signs, which is of course so nice for those who have something to celebrate.

Window signs in various variants

The various designs of the window signs from PD-Party make it a desirable item for everyone. This makes it perfect for our other party decorations, such as the XXL flags and decoration signs. In addition, various other designs are available. Think of window signs with a nice cartoon, but also with a neon look. These boards show various themes, such as births, birthdays and welcome.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you don't have an account yet but you want to sell our party products, request one right away!